Early Head Start and EHS_CCP

(Services to Pregnant Women/Infant – Toddler Care)

  • Our programs are NYS Licensed Childcare Center for children 6 weeks/to 36 months Our classrooms enhance the physical, social, emotional and intellectual development of infants and toddlers; assists pregnant women in accessing comprehensive prenatal and postpartum care; supports parents’ efforts to fulfill their parental roles as the first and most important teacher for their children; and helps families build assets and move toward self-sufficiency.

MY CHILD’S DAY (7:00 AM – 5:00 PM)


A partnership has been established with Lakeshore Family Center located in Irving, NY for children 0-3 years old.

Creative Curriculum for Infants, Toddlers & Two’s

 The Creative Curriculum for Infants, Toddlers and Twos is used by center  staff to create daily routines and meaningful experiences that are responsive to children’s strengths, interests, and needs.

• Teachers  work with families to provide responsive care giving while incorporating learning objectives that meet children’s basic needs; promote social-emotional development; and support cognitive, physical, and language development.

Health & Nutrition Services

• Research shows that children’s healthy brain development begins prenatally and expands rapidly in the first three years of life.

• Early Education can assist you in accessing health insurance, as well as medical and dental services in the community.

• COI provides breakfast, lunch and snack as part of our daily routine.  Formula and baby food is provided for infants.  Private space for breastfeeding mothers is available.

• Diapers are provided for infants and toddlers. We also assist with toilet training.

Parent, Family & Community Engagement

• COI’s Early Education services offers parents a comprehensive range of opportunities for family support, involvement, and leadership.

• All cultures, goals, and circumstances of individual parents are respected and confidentiality is held to the highest standard.

  • Have a child birth – 3 years.
  • Reside in Chautauqua County, New York.
  • Qualifications based on income eligibility
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