“Any man can be a father, but it takes a special person to be a DAD.”
The Fatherhood Program works to engage, encourage, and better equip fathers on their fatherhood journey. Fathers meet in a group setting which builds camaraderie and support for them in their role as dads, sharing and learning from the experiences of one another. Dads are encouraged to build their bond with their children and work at positive coparenting with mom for stronger family connections, healthier relationships, and stability and well-being of their children.
24/7 DADS Curriculum- Inside/Out Curriculum
- We use the National Fatherhood Initiative’s 24/7 Dad® and Inside/Out Dad® evidence-based curricula to serve both community and re-entry fathers in a six-week course, meeting twice a week.
- Strategies on helping parents communicate and co-parent to sustain household happiness and life stability
- Linkages with other Fathers to build support networks and encourage new friendship
Money Smart
- FDIC’s Money Smart curricula lessons are incorporated into group sessions to encourage financial success for individuals, like budgeting and developing a spending and savings plan.
Alumni Group 
- Opportunities to participate in activities with children to encourage quality time.
- Fun events organized for and by Dads/significant males to spend time with their children and network with other Dads/significant males
- Enrollees network with other dads, build a support network, and encourage new friendships.
Life Coach Services
- Enrollees enjoy access to a Life Coach who will assist individuals with working towards their goals and give assistance regarding employment barriers, need for housing, and legal issues.
- Enrollees are also linked to other services to meet individual needs through referrals.
- Budgeting and financial planning help.
Opportunities for fathers to take on a leadership role through positive fatherhood practices will be supported by building upon strengths and increasing connection to children, family community. Participants will have access to many supports and opportunities to achieve personal and family goals.
Preparing to be Dad
- Pre-Dad Checklist – everything you need to succeed
- Support Opportunities
- Education Based on What You Need
- Peer Groups focused on the excitement and the challenges of becoming a father
- And much more! View our Fatherhood brochure here
For more information please call: (716) 661-9430 or (716)366-8176
For more information on the National Fatherhood Initiative
click on the link below:
Funding for this project was provided by the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families. These services are available to all eligible persons, regardless of race, gender, age, disability, or religion.