A youth in crisis often doesn’t know where to turn to get the help they need to solve what often feels like insurmountable problems. By coming to a Safe Place site, each youth will receive immediate help from people trained to keep them safe and who are able to link them to the help and services they need to resolve their crisis.
- Any youth under the age of 18 in Chautauqua County who feels they need a Safe Place to get help with a problem with their current living situation, or other crisis in their life, that might lead them to runaway, or become homeless, can benefit from Safe Place.
- We strive to maintain at least one site in each community. Click here for a list of Safe Place sites by community or click here for a Google map of sites.
- Look for the yellow Safe Place signs
- Each Safe Place site will link the youth in crisis to the Chautauqua County Safe House where trained counselors will assist each youth determine the best course of action. Our programs are designed to provide shelter and support to youth who are runaways, homeless, or at risk of becoming homeless.
When Can I Access Safe Place Services?
- Safe Place services are available to provide immediate access to shelter and services 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
- Safe Place sites will are able to provide immediate access to help when they are in a crisis situation.
- Caring adults will contact volunteers to provide transportation to the Chautauqua County Safe House.
- Youth serving organizations will be able to provide immediate access to crisis services for the youth involved within their organizations to help them address and work through their crisis situations.
Need More Information???
Check out National Safe Place’s Blog site for news from around the country on homelessness among teens and what states are doing to combat it. https://www.nationalsafeplace.org
Contact Us for more information on becoming a Safe Place volunteer or site.
Safe Place Sites
Any youth under the age of 18 will be able to go to a Project Safe Place site to access immediate help and support. Trained staff at each site will follow a strict protocol that will enable them to access immediate help for the youth at their site. Each site will utilize the professionally trained counselors at the Chautauqua County Safe House Emergency Shelter, as well as trained staff, to provide assistance to each youth.
For a training video on becoming a Safe Place site, visit https://www.nationalsafeplace.org/
Youth may also contact the shelter directly at 716-661-9446 or 1-866-877-9647
Email us for more information